Wednesday, October 11, 2006


W e l l . . .

I really stink at introductions, but let's just say that I'm Laura A. and this is my introduction for the blog I've set up for an online course, BLS 340 or Magic, Media, and Popular Imagination.

I'm a senior undergrad at UNCG, and I'm a bit nervous since this is my first online course. (Power-point and uploading, eep!) I'm a Broadcasting/Cinema major with a concentration in Film Studies. I enrolled in this class so I could earn some 300-or-higher level credit for graduation, I love both movies and folk belief, and I have seen some of Dr. Edwards's documentaries on the subject and became very interested with her teachings.

I will leave you with two favorite weblinks of mine which I think may be relevant to this course:
Urban Legends Reference Page which gets down to the knitty gritty concerning those rampant rumors that many have just assumed to be truth, as well as the most recent e-mail slurge (No, Bill Gates is not willing to share his fortune if you forward this to 100 people.)
No Rest For the Wicked is an excellent webcomic that is among the best twisted fairy tales I've ever read. Certainly magical, imaginative, and a part of a popular new medium, I hope this will delight you as much as it has me.

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