Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sometimes, the greatest movie is the one in your mind...

Over the holiday break, I saw three movies in three days: The King's Speech, Black Swan, and True Grit. All were excellent and highly recommended, though The King's Speech is my pick of the year.

I went to True Grit with Mom, and one of the preceding trailers started with the Houston contacting Apollo 11 on the moon just before a period of radio silence. Cut off from earth, the astronauts explore and then come across... AN ALIEN SPACESHIP.

Me: (to Mom) Holy crap, is this going to be Neil Armstrong fighting aliens!?? That is the coolest thing I have ever heard of! It'll be Apollo 11 crew being all badass and how they saved earth but there was a government cover-up! And they can get the astronauts to star as themselves in bookends! This is going to be the most amazing movie ever!!


Me: (Crushing disappointment) Aw, piss!

Then a goddamned robot shows up.

Me: (to Mom) Aw, man, it's Transformers.

Trailer Titles: TRANSFORMERS

Me: >:(

Trailer Titles: THE DARK OF THE MOON

Me: I hate you, Michael Bay.

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