Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Comic Review: Gargoyles #5

Ooh, I'm a happy fangirl. I was super stoked when I heard that they were resurrecting Gargoyles as a comic book. The coolest series of my childhood which became a new love during my college years didn't get the send off it deserved, and when the writers were replaced, the series immediately degraded to mundane action cartoon.

However, I was a bit disappointed with the first four issues. Granted, the first few were just a retelling of the first episode of the last season, but the writing never really did anything for me. All the fans of Gargoyles are now probably much older (ie more sophisticated... relatively speaking) so it should be writen with them in mind. I'm not sure how many people in the 8-12 demographic have seen Gargoyles, so don't write it for their level. I found myself no longer excited, but rather only buying it out of obligation to a childhood love.

However, this issue changed all that. It's got its own brand of cheeky geek humor, as well as some nice drama and action. If I reread the action sequences, that's a designation that I liked it. Plus, there's blood and cussin', which isn't cool in itself, but does signal that they're not going to be pussyfooting around serious issues in the future. I'm not fond of the art, but considering it must be tough to draw fantasy, it's fine.

There are some sweet moments between Elisa and Goliath, as well as between Hudson and his blind friend. Oh, and it has the cheesy goodness of seeing a masquerade ball with Elisa dressed as Princess Jasmine, Lexington as Cyborg, and Angela and Broadway as Dorothy and Scarcrow (aw, they even got the Oz mythos right!)

Happy they found their niche.

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