Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Movie Review: Live Free or Die Hard

Heh, I like Bruce Willis. He can star in absolute crap and still make it somehow watchable. However, the fourth Die Hard flick is great, especially if you're looking for some big, noisy, dumb fun. I can't think of any other film series where the first two sequels suck, while number four is good. It's funny how increasingly bad ass John McClane becomes as the movies go by. In the first one, he blows up a chair as his opening act. In this one he blows up a HELICOPTER WITH A FRICKIN' CAR! It must be a hair thing, because whenever Bruce Willis is bald, he's indistructable (see: Unbreakable).

However, in this one McClane was more grizzly, hardened, and wisened, rather than his original wise-ass. There were a few moments, but mostly he was all brood and tough-talk. This might be because he's towing around Justin Long to play the voice of sarcasm. I hope Justin Long becomes huge after this movie, because I can just see people getting excited when they discover the "I'm a Mac" guy makes movies (actually he's been in a lot of stuff). He's hot geekage.

I was expecting to be annoyed by the introduction of McClane's grown up daughter, but then I realized that this is probably how she would have realistically grown up to be- white trash and a little tarty. The villain was boring, especially when you remember that he's following up Alan Rickman and Jeremy Iron. They should have cast someone like Tim Roth, Gary Oldman, or the like so they create a creepy British guy triumverant.

Kevin Smith is a mug.

The storyline was pretty freaky, apparently based on an article speculating this tech-based national disaster. But who cares... EXPLOSIONS!!!

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